The robots are here, and they just did a product page (…no, not our copywriting gigs too…)
Copywriting is a profession that mixes creativity with usability and technology. With the emergence of new technologies and user-centred design, accessibility to screenwriting software, blogging software, and more advanced tools has enabled anyone to become a writer.
While this means opportunities for many people in the 21st century, it is still unclear how those opportunities will affect freelancers at the start of this century.
AI copywriters can perform the job without any need for human intervention but there are also areas in which human copywriters are necessary or better suited than AI writers to fulfill expectations from customers. Don’t feel like taking the time plodding along to write an Amazon listing or your favorite blog post rant?
Give it to the droids. They’ll do it. They’ll probably do it for free, mostly because they don’t know any better (literally.) But I digress.
It is often touted that AI can replace humans in certain jobs, but it has been unverified in laboratory conditions (or anywhere else for that matter) whether or not an AI writing assistant can produce high-quality content. That being said, human copywriters will never be able to write everything by themselves and for this reason, AI writers are bound to grow in popularity, even if used purely as a time-saving device.
Since its invention in the 1950s, new methods of communication technology have displaced many forms of labor. It is not too far-fetched to think that one day, AI will also replace human copywriters and create high-quality marketing content every time. But there are also signs that this is not happening as most content writers don’t even know about the existence of such writing software.
It’s just a tool that simplifies the writing process by turning your content ideas into blog posts with goals and objectives before your fingers ever hit a keyboard. That way, you’ll always know what to write about and be confident it’s going to be good. Whether you’re at school making a persuasive essay or an entrepreneur launching your next website, such tools can make all the difference in your success rate — closer to 100 percent than 50 percent!
“We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done…”- Alan Turing, the ‘father’ of artificial intelligence.